Concrete rehabilitation
Reinforced Concrete Structures: Rehabilitation and Establishment of Corrosion Protection Measures. Con-Rehab AS has extensive experience as corrosion consultants for reinforced concrete structures. When approaching the problem of a deteriorating reinforced concrete structure, it is necessary to visually observe and make measurements of the corrosion activity, geometry, concrete and steel materials, associated construction materials, etc., in addition to the state of corrosion which the structure has already suffered. After such observations and measurements, assessment of potential rehabilitation techniques and, as required, corrosion analysis, Con-Rehab AS can recommend measures and materials.Also we can perform:
Visual examination - to identify surface defects.
Hammer/chain- to detect delaminations.
Phenolphthalein - to determine carbonation depth.
Chloride content - to identify chloride corrosion.
Linear polarization - to determine corrosion rate.
Hand applied repairs
Sprayed applied
Cathodic Protection
Con-Rehab AS, perform the facade, balcony, parking and concrete bridge rehabilitations.